Product Commoditization

We believe that waste isn’t waste until it’s wasted. We use that mentality every time we analyze alternative approaches for waste material management. Most of our customers are tired of the expensive hauling and landfill costs and often wonder if there might be a better use for their waste materials. Maybe they just wonder if there is a cheaper way to manage the material that they throw away.

At KB BioEnergy, we don’t just believe in finding alternative uses for waste products, we’ve made it our core business practice. We understand the benefits of a circular economy and view waste materials as the products that they could become not what they once represented. This “eco-effective” approach to waste management and beneficial reuse has made our company one of the pioneers in waste residual management.

Our unique knowledge and first-hand experience of product commoditization provides us with the groundwork to offer waste-to-resource approach to your organization. For years, the City of Akron disposed of biosolids in a local landfill. This was the norm for the city, just as it is today for many wastewater plants around the country. It wasn’t until further deliberation that the city determined that the best approach for managing residuals was not necessarily the easiest approach. The city was committed to finding the best approach and eventually determined that the best solution lied in the beneficial use of biosolids residuals. That’s where KB BioEnergy came into the picture and began a program where recycling and material commoditization came first. Through product development and commoditization, we helped transform waste into a sustainable commodity for the City of Akron.

The notion of product commoditization can transform the way one views and ultimately treats waste residuals. Both biomass and biosolids should be viewed not as the material they are, but as the products they could become. Our in-house product development specialists can help identify and develop the best methods for product transformation, and even handle market analysis, branding, marketing, and even backend sales.

If you are ready to start deriving value from your waste residuals and stop writing checks to the landfill, contact our experienced team at KB BioEnergy today!


Product Commoditization Request Form